Prototype manager - transitions
Transitions are curves that indicate how a Posture parameter will vary between Postures during an articulation.
The column "Is used?" is read-only and indicates if the Transition is being used and how many times it is referenced.
- Add a group:
Select an item (if the list is not empty) and click on "Add". The name of new group is "___new___" and it is created at the end. - Add an item:
Select a group and click on "Add". The name of new item is "___new___" and it is created at the end of the group. - Rename a group/item:
Double-click on the group/item, change the text and press ENTER. - Remove a group/item:
Select the group or item and click on "Remove". - Move the group/item up:
Select the group or item and click on "Move up". - Move the group/item down:
Select the group or item and click on "Move down". - Add/change the comment:
Select the item, enter the text and click on "Update". - Edit the Transition:
Select the item and click on "Edit".